Saturday, January 28, 2006

The WayBack Machine

Careful what you post...the internet never forgets!

This makes me revisit the themes of total accountability in the digital age. As storage becomes free, there is no reason why everyone won't have a copy of everything.

Take taxes as a parallel (after all, 'tis the season). As a graduate student, I am never worried about raising any red flags when I file my taxes. These numbers aren't anything for a government agency to worry about. What I worry about is getting audited several years down the road when some company that I partially own goes public!

Imagine the scrutiny politicians will face in the future. Wouldn't it be something if we could go back and read President Bush's blogs from when he was in graduate school! (by the way, George W is the first president to hold an MBA...and my parents still think I'm wasting my money here at Wharton!!)

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